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Uriel (The Hallowed Chronicles Book 1)

  The Hallowed Chronicles

  Angie Anomalous

  The Hallowed Chronicles: Uriel.

  Copyright © 2014 by Angie Anomalous. Manufactured in the United States of America. All rights reserved. No other part of this book may be reproduced in any matter without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. First edition.

  ISBN: 978-1-4951-3421-0

  Cover design by Skylar Faith.

  Kindle edition Published 11/11/14 by Angie Anomalous

  Smashwords Edition published 11/11/14 by Angie Anomalous

  Dedicated to Doug Robertson.

  Rest in peace, Nukpony.

  The CS gang misses you.

  “Hey guys, it’s Dashy!”

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Chapter Twenty Three

  Chapter Twenty Four

  Chapter Twenty Five

  Chapter Twenty Six

  Chapter Twenty Seven

  Chapter Twenty Eight


  Within the darkness that clouded my vision, I floated, silent as a feather falling from the heavens. I had no senses on the outside of my body; instead, I waited from the inside for something I couldn't remember. Here, I stood silently in the shadows, wondering where I really was and what my purpose was. Residual voices have told me of a great destiny I'm supposed to prepare for, but how can I prepare when I have yet to find out who I really am?

  The world I was stuck in was complicated; even the simplest ideas were laced with complex equations that took forever to understand. Who and what were the ghosts in the memories that tugged at my mind? What was I?

  Something beneath me shook. The faint screams of those who helped me shelter myself in this darkness rang in my head, clawing at me as I remember unwillingly committing to this unconsciousness. Within the chaos of the clashing memories, I heard a faint whisper, a voice as gentle as the petal of a flower -- a voice, as gentle as it seemed, also boomed loud as thunder, holding true power underneath its breath. It reached out through the cataclysm I was reliving. As it spoke, feeling came to me and the sensations flooded around me. My child, I know you can hear me. Something had been restraining my feet and hands, while something stuck to my back stretched back uncomfortably. It is time you wake from your slumber and find who you truly are.

  Whoever it was whispering to me, encouraged me to look deep within myself, but his voice spoke with urgency. My heart plummeted into my chest and though I didn't know what it meant, something told me I had little time. Was this the destiny the voices had spoken of? The power is within you. Find it, and you shall be free. The power? My body began to tremble as I fought myself to find this power the voice spoke of. Imagine a gold ball of light inside you. Let it spread throughout your body. Let it awaken you. As hard as I tried, I couldn't remember what gold had looked like; I was always stuck in black, surrounded by never ending darkness.

  I was torn from my body, and I turned to lay eyes on my silhouette where a bright orb manifested inside my stomach, spreading like blood through my veins. It grew brighter, blinding me. It was then that the voice came back, whispering something familiar that flowed gracefully and struck a chord. He was beckoning me to open my eyes. And I did. Uriel.

  Chapter One

  It took me what seemed like forever to dig my way out from the area I slept in and into the new world. Loss tugged at my heart when my eyes adjusted to the blinding light of the sun; none of this world seemed familiar, and part of me didn't expect it to. With the clash of familiar and unfamiliar deep within my bones, I wasn't sure how I knew that this wasn't the same world I had left. According to the voice that had helped me wake, my name was Uriel. I was unaware of how long I was in the ground, safely tucked inside a metal housing, so I wandered aimlessly, attempting to find the answers to the questions that made my head ache. With wide eyes, I strolled into a world of tall buildings and large groups of people that walked in a hurry. Where were they all going and why were they in such a rush? Time was infinite and therefore, should be taken slowly if you wanted to get the best out of life. I could feel their stares as I moved by them, observing everything when I passed, noticing how complex even the simplest things were.

  A cold hand seized me by the shoulder, and instinct kicked in. I wasn't sure what kind of instinct it was, but I crouched and slid my leg across the ground, knocking down a man in uniform. With a tilt of my head, I observed the man that was now on the ground, reaching for his belt. Sweat bubbled on his forehead and the sudden scent of fear and anxiety filled my nostrils. Something inside me screamed danger as the man whipped out a heavy, metal-like object and pointed it at me. With ease, I moved to the side and knocked it out of his hand, firing the weapon he had threatened me with. Chaos exploded around us and the air boomed with sirens. Distracted by the loud sounds that echoed in the air, I was forced to the ground and within an instant, my hands were bound. The man that had tackled me remained over me, spitting something about rights, but I didn't care; all I wanted to do was to figure everything out. Why was I being punished for defending myself from someone who threatened me? When the man stopped spitting words, he dragged me to my feet and stuck me in a metal object with wheels. We sped away and my eyes traveled across the racing buildings that flew by. I could feel the man's eyes studying me from the mirror in the front; he didn't make it obvious, but I knew he was watching me. I couldn't help but wonder what they wanted from me.

  The vehicle stopped in front of a bulky building that said "police station." What was a police, and why was I being taken to its station? The man had gotten out of the car and yanked the door open, pulling me out. He forced me to walk towards the building, remaining silent. Inside smelled of various scents that I couldn't find words for and there were many other people with uniforms on, all stopping to look at me with blank stares. When he ushered me to a room, he motioned toward a seat where I sat with my hands still bound. Taking off his hat, he sat opposite of me across a table and stared at me with a sense of curiosity. "What is your name girl?" he asked. His voice was deep and stern, making me crumble in on myself. Wanting no violence to come of this interrogation, I answered with a shaky voice, still getting used to my own body. "Uriel," I whispered hoarsely, remembering the name whispered to me before I woke.

  "And how old are you?"

  "D-don't know, sir."

  "What do you mean you don't know?"

  "The year is...?"

  He looked at me as if I was insane, and who knows, maybe I was. With the look in his eyes, he figured out for himself that he wouldn't be able to get answers from me... I didn't know the answers myself. Rubbing his temples, he told me to stay where I was and left the room, closing the door behind him. I stood and paced the room, examining the metal room I was trapped in. It seemed just like the place I woke up in, yet, somehow a lot more draining. My heart drummed loudly as I stared at a specific wall. I squinted; it didn't seem like the other walls. It seemed somewhat lighter
, and I could feel eyes staring right at me. Slowly walking to the wall, I put my hand on it and closed my eyes. Focusing on my energy, I expanded it outward and felt those on the other side. They were watching me alright. Opening my eyes, I spoke, letting them know of what I had found out. "You watch me," I said with a shaky voice, standing there for a few more moments. I turned and walked back to the chair, wondering how I knew I was able to feel them by focusing. I could no longer feel their eyes on me as if they felt threatened by my knowledge of their stares. Instead, a tug from beneath my shirt pulled at me, and I stood abruptly, lifting my shirt over my head and allowing white feathered wings to spring out, expanding as they stretched their own ways. Where did they come from and how had I not noticed them when I first woke? Sighing, I sat down, pulling the shirt back on, and I let my head drop into my hands as I mulled over what had just happened.

  The loud creak of the door was supposed to cue my eyes to find the man who stood there. Instead, I ignored the urge and shook my head, willing the pounding inside my skull to subside. The man walked slowly towards me, the still air shifting as his hand lay on the metal object tucked neatly inside his belt as if I was some sort of real threat. "Come with me, we must do some tests," he said in a stiff voice, holding out his free hand. He was shaking and I looked up at him, my eyes pleading, my soul reacting with a mind of its own. My energy gathered in the pit of my stomach and slowly eased its way in between us, my eyes watching as his features relaxed and he seemed at peace. It was then that I grabbed his hand and let him usher me to another room full of blinking and complex objects. While he left me waiting, I turned behind me at what seemed to be a flat screen full of seemingly important information that blinked rapidly, and I trailed my fingers down its cool exterior. It seemed like small particles of light were used to make an image against the screen, and then, I was thrown into another world. I was smaller, just a kid standing in front of a large screen that seemed to just float with no way of being held up, a screen much like the one I had touched before all of it left me for this. My fingers passed through the screen, the images lighting up the palm of my hand.

  I was forced back to the world I woke to by the man clearing his voice. Looking up at him, I noticed he needed something from me... I could feel it. With a single tilt of my head, he held out a hand towards a desk with another screen attached to it and a pad on the desk itself, neatly connected to the screen. "We need your fingerprints, they may help us figure out who you are and where you came from so you can return to your parents," he said softly, trying to understand a situation that I myself couldn't grasp. I stared down at the pallet on the desk, and he took my hand, pushing my thumb against the pallet until a beep came. Releasing me, he asked me to sit at one of the chairs across from him while the system "found" me. What did it mean to find me? Didn't he know I was right there? It seemed like I sat there forever, trying to figure out who I was and where I came from, and then he stood in front of me with an unreadable expression across his face. "Your fingerprint showed nothing in our system. Mind if we take some DNA?" he asked. DNA, the word seemed familiar; complex chains of past lives coming together to form Man into how they appeared to everyone around them. How I knew this was a mystery, I don't remember learning any of this... Don't remember anything before I woke. With a quick nod, he put gloves on and asked me to open my mouth as he put something in it and scraped at the sides. It was then that he brought me to a room with a bed and told me it'd be a day or two for results to come back. I was to stay here until they came.

  * * *

  I came out of the darkness to muffled words beyond the walls that caged me in. Rubbing my eyes, I slid out of the bed and walked to the door. I stood, looking at it, willing my hearing to go further. Concentrating, I made out the voice of the uniformed man and an unfamiliar voice of a woman. They were talking about me, and probably my results. "She's a mystery, Nikita. Neither her fingerprints nor DNA came up with anything in our systems. It's like she never even existed until now, and with her loss of memory, it's making it even more difficult to figure out who she is so she can return to a normal life," he said quietly, as if I couldn't hear beyond the walls. The woman's voice came out melodic; honey dripping off every word that she spoke. "I will see to it that she has a comfortable home until she begins to remember. Something traumatic must have happened to her if she had to suppress her memories to the point that she no longer knows the year she lives in."

  "You will take care of her then, yea?"

  "Of course, officer. As if she were my own daughter."

  "Then you will not turn us away if we come to see her progress?"

  "You may come as you please."

  Their voices were growing closer, and I knew I had to make a quick break for the bed. I turned and jumped onto the mattress, sitting there still as the air inside the room, acting as if I was lost in my own thoughts. The door opened softly and the officer came first, his eyes on me with a small smile. "Uriel, I found someone that can help you remember. You will be in good hands until we find out who your parents are and where you're from," he said stepping to the side to allow the woman he had been talking to, to come forward. She was older than the officer, and her short brown hair was pushed away from her face to reveal slate gray eyes that steadily held my own. I found myself unable to look away. It was as if I knew who she was... or what she was. But of course I knew what she was; she was human, but that didn't stop me from staring at her as if I knew she was something more. With one step, she was in front of me, looking down and smiling at me. "Hello, Uriel. My name is Nikita. It is nice to finally meet you," she said sweetly. I didn't know what to say; my language was a bit different, a broken form of the language they spoke fluently, so I just stood and took her hand, placing my other hand on top of hers and closing my eyes. My heart soared as our energies collided and melded together, as if forming a universal connection. I opened my eyes and stared at her in disbelief. Somehow, we could do the same thing; get inside each other's head and manipulate their feelings, their pain, and their thoughts. In the end, I had no choice but to go with her and I knew that even though I didn't know her, she would be my guide, the one to help me find myself. When we stepped outside, she reached into her pouch and pulled out a small book, the pages yellowed and fragile. "Read that in the car. When we get home, all your questions shall be answered," she said opening the door to her metal vehicle she called a car. Sitting inside, my eyes fell down to a book and stared at the cover. It was something called The Book of Enoch and my hands flipped the pages until it hit chapter seventy-two. My heart stilled as I read the first line; "Then Michael and Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel, looked down from heaven, and saw the quantity of blood which was shed on earth and all the iniquity which was done upon it..."

  Chapter Two

  The world was huge compared to a small living being much like myself. As scenery whizzed by as quickly as the vehicle rolled, I noticed how vast the world was with endless land to fill, to explore, and to flourish. Nikita and I were silent while she steered the car toward where she called home. In our silence, I stared out of the clear glass wondering about Nikita, how we are the same, but different. She didn't have to tell or show for me to know what she could do... the only question left was how. Something squeaked outside the vehicle as we came to a slow roll, and she turned into a light blue house with a dark roof. Outside was colored with auburn tones and full of different colored gems and plants. It made me feel safe. With a soft smile, I immediately undid the seatbelt she forced me to wear before we left to come here and hopped out of the car even though she wasn't fully stopped. I could hear her start to yell from behind, stopping shortly as I turned in a circle, taking in the surroundings. The air was rough on my lungs and yet, there was a sort of calming peace about the house and its yard that made me breathe slowly and easily. I took the time to adjust to the new air. Spinning in a circle, my smile widened, and I felt free.

  Nikita cleared her throat, halting me from spinning any longer, and making me plu
mmet from the skies. With a single probe from her gray eyes, she motioned towards the house. "You should come inside. It's time to get you cleaned up and out of those rags," she said sternly. Looking down at what I was wearing, I could see what she was talking about. My tattered, paled skirt was torn at the seams, dragging past my knees, and my shirt was punctured with holes and smeared with dirt. I silently moved behind her as she opened the door and allowed me in. Once inside, she immediately pulled me up the stairs, not giving me time to fully take in the interior of her home. She led me to a small room that was filled with reflecting surfaces. "This is the bathroom, Uriel," she said. "You need to take a shower. Right here is the shower, and you turn the knob to turn it on and set the temperature. Speaking of temperature; I know you just woke and everything, but you need to dress in thick clothes this time of year, hon. The weather gets colder. People will panic and cause problems if you're out there barefoot and in a skirt like you were." She pointed to the direction of a bowl-like area as she talked and I walked over to it, playing with the knob until water poured out of the wall, making me jump. My attention snapped back to Nikita when she talked about the weather and freaking people out.

  "That why the man took me?" I asked curiously. Answering my question with a nod, she looked around the room.

  "While you shower, you use soap. It's the bar sitting on the corner over there and then rinse with the water. It's the same for your hair except you use what's in the bottle on the other corner. When you're all clean, you turn it off and dry yourself with the towels hanging from the wall. Understand?"


  Without another word, she turned on her heels and left the room, closing the door behind her. I was left to figure out everything myself. Peeling off my clothes, I stepped into the bowl and felt the warm water pour down on me like a waterfall, soaking me in its purity. My wings remained clenched to my sides, yearning to burst free and stretch, but I didn't give in to the urge. Instead, I let them become wet with the water that weighed them down, causing them to stick to the flesh of my back. I did as I was told, washing my body with what she called soap and cleansing my hair with the contents of another bottle that made my form smell sweet like vanilla. I made the shower quick, more eager to learn than eager to play. All I wanted was truth. Answers. Anything. Turning off the water, I stepped out and grabbed the towel from the wall, wrapping it around my body. Something danced across my peripherals, making me turn my head to someone standing in front of me at the door. What intrigued me is that this someone moved when I did and to prove my point, I touched my hair, watching as the other mimicked. Was this wall reflecting my appearance? I took the time to study the reflection on the door; chestnut brown hair curled even under the weight of water, hazel eyes and pale skin. I knew I was short even before seeing myself for the first time, but I felt as if this was ridiculous. Standing at what seemed like five feet and two inches, I was small and fragile, noticing this when I stripped from the towel and examined my body. From the looks of it, I had not yet blossomed like Nikita had. Nikita had curves of woman while I had a misshapen body, not that I cared; this felt normal for me.